I moved across the country, and this is what happened
Hello Friends, It's been a minute since I've written on here and honestly it doesn't feel good. A lot has happen since my last post (not...

I moved to LA for three months and this is what I learned
Everything is always easier said than done. It's easy to give advice to your friends but when it comes to actually taking your own advice...

Be uncomfortable, in order to be comfortable
We as humans like comfort. We thrive off of people we know and who know us. We tend to be our true selves when we are around people who...

"She was a white washed Asian-American teenybopper in the halls of her high school..."
As I put together this last post for the #OwnYourAsian series this year, it has triggered some thoughts that have been lingering around...

Part II : #OwnYourAsian
Although Asian Pacific American Heritage month is technically over...that doesn't mean that we can't still celebrate. If you had the...

Oh wow you're definitely on an American diet...
For the most part of my life, I’ve always been the only Asian person in my friend group. I’ve accepted the #TokenAsianFriend over the...