Welcome to the “My 2 Cents Transaction” Series, a money diary log written by contributors of all different income levels, locations, and occupations. Each contributor will be logging their weekly expenses in either food, lifestyle, or activities/entertainment. This is not meant to flaunt what other people are doing or how much they are spending but to open the eyes of individuals about money and how to take control of your future finances. Thanks so much for reading as always & if you’d like to be an anonymous contributor feel free to email me at rachelmchow@gmail.com or message me on Insta/Twitter. xx Rae
Occupation: Strategic Planner (Advertising) Age: 24 Location: New York, NY Salary: $75K-$85K Total Spent This Week: $200
Sunday Ran 11 miles today, eeeek! I'm training for a half marathon so this was a 'long run' day. Before I do any long run (7+ miles) I always get a cup of coffee and banana beforehand, usually at Starbucks cause they got the strong stuff ($3.50). I usually citi bike (annual membership is $155) to the East River, run down and around the perimeter of the island and finish up the west side, if you haven't walked around Hudson River Park, do it NOW. The water, views of the Statue of Liberty, etc. are so lovely you'll forget that you're swooning over the Jersey City skyline ;).
Because I don't move as swiftly as I once did even a mere 3 years ago, I have to spend as much energy on recovery as I do exercise; this is where my 'mind' of mind-body comes in. I go to a restorative yoga class on Sundays at 6:30pm at Yoga Vida (a drop in class is $20 with locations in Noho, Union Sqaure, Tribeca, and Dumbo). It helps me transition and prepare for the week ahead, because Sunday Scaries are SO REAL. Total Spent: $23.50
I was a ride or die classpasser back when the unlimited package was still a thing. Since that was discontinued, I had to move onto something that I could do more frequently and consistently (see Equinox below). I still have a soft spot in my heart for classpass so I opted for the $15/one class per month deal so I can still explore new studios. Today, the post-run recovery tour continues with a 75 minute yin yoga class at Sacred Sounds Yoga. It was glorious, especially after limping around my office all day.
On my way home I decided to stop at the Bond Street Equinox for some foam rolling, stretching, eucalyptus towels, and kiehls products...YAS (all access memberships run for ~$300/month, luckily I have a discounted rate through my employer)
Total Spent: $15.00
Another magical mid-20s moment that I'm privileged to experience is adult acne, that ish aint just for the pre-pubescent y'all! Given that I've never really had to put much thought into skincare, outside of deciding which citrus fruit I want my face to smell like, the world of skincare is uncharted terriorty for me. I'm also extremely low maintanence (read: lazy AF) when it comes to my beauty regiment...enter Glossier! They promote 'beauty inspired by real life' with a few simple products for a natural, no-fuss look. I've been using their Milky Jelly Cleanser and I'm in LOVE. I bought a new cleanser (and then some) at their flagship store in Soho. ($47)
6:30pm - Yoga Core class at Equinox!
Total Spent: $47
7am - Cycle Beats class at Equinox
I got out of work earlier than expected today so treated myself to some tea!! I'm an avid tea drinker so I needed to refill my supply. I love a good, spicy ginger tea and have been recently been enjoying teas with floral notes like rose and lavender. (Harney & Sons / T2 teas, $26)
Also did some spring cleaning which made me feel v productive...I think another important component of self-care is taking care of your external environment wherever possible! I try my best to set myself up for success by creating a peaceful and cozy atmosphere in my apt (enter, fluffy pillows and twinkly lights).
Total Spent: $26
6:30am - 4 mile run
Total Spent: $0
Went to see Ali Wong's standup with my cousin and laughed so much my face hurt...probably the best 'self-care' activity I did all week! (~$60).
Total Spent: $60
Did virtualy nothing today and felt GREAT about it...a lot of reclining and lot of NY Rangers (losing...but we won't get into that)
Spending $200 a week on things outside of rent, groceries, etc. seems a bit exessive but I would say I splurged a bit more than I usually do. Although writing things down made me realize that a good chunk of my time and money revolve around things like exercise, I'm happy to make those investments because I know I'm improving my physical and mental health. Additionally in a weird, cylical way, trying to compartmentalize my life and focus on strictly self-care activities made taking care of myself more of a priority. I frequently asked myself before and after making purchases, working out, etc. 'will/did this actually make me feel good?'...something I'll try to incorporate more frequently going forward!